Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Last 2 days


had a fun time with them in Risa's chamber. playing UNO & taking some pics. with my 'baby' haha


again, to Kelapa Gading. looking for some stuffs for brother & my parents. Daddy was so kind to let me looking for some dresses. unfortunately, none of them fit my wanty.
but then I found my 'soo wanty thing' after a few weeks towed

New Zealand Natural Fruit Flo : Strawberry, Blueberry, Lychee with Vanilla Ice Cream, large size
yummy tummy :9

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Miss Emily wanted us to make our own Ultimate Animals in a group of 3. So Talitha, Nadira, & I made this wonderful amazing creature.


1. It has wolf face, its nose has a good sense of smell.
2. It has bat's ears so it can hear ultrasonic sounds, has a great sense of sound.
3. It has wings so it can fly in the sky.
4. It has devil's tail to kill its enemies.
5. It has duck's legs for its back legs so it can swim.
6. It has elephant's legs for its front legs so it can walk on land & to protect itself.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Dear A, wherever you are

I think about you, often. even though I know that I'm wrong. I'm with someone else now, a good person for me, but with several 'mistakes' apart us. I absolutely know that I'm too stupid to still thinking of you. It's been more than a year since you left me just like that. I knew that LDR wasn't a right choice though, but I didn't want to break up with you at the time, really. I cried too much when you dumped me that time and you didn't even want to care about me.
then you come again to my life, in a 'perfect wrong' time. I know that I'm so mean to do this to him, but what else I can do?
my friends told me their opinions about you. they said that you're a big mistake for me, my 1 year & 3 weeks were useless to be spent with you. but what did I do then? I keep thinking of you. and just a few minutes ago, you sent me a message, though it's not an important one, but it meant a lot for me.
you're changing a lot now, you're not the same guy as I knew for about 2 years ago, who I've ever really love. many reasons that make me doubt myself to make up a new relationship with you. but actually, I could never forget you. thanks for all the happiness, feelings, pains, even the lies that you've ever gave me. I just want you to be happy & fine there, with your girlfriends. thank you once again

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dear Nana

Happy Birthday Farziana Tri Aprilia :)

wish you all the very best

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This week films


watched with: him
great effect, good story, Chris Evans was charming & I was soo late to watch it (but my mood ruined it)


watched with: him, talitha & nasya
nice rom-com, great story, inspiring (??), nice stuffs :8